Web Team

Web Maintenance Team

In 2013 Father David Elder commissioned Joan Bailey (Ladybird Computing) to produce a Parish Web.


Joan subsequently developed our parish web site (ssmaryandmichaels-garstang.org.uk) using both one.com’s web software and their hosting facilities.


Once the parish web site was developed and implemented, Joan handed the maintenance of the web site to the parish ’s Web Maintenance Team.


The Team is responsible for the smooth running of the parish web site which necessitates the weekly uploading of the Parish Newsletter, ensuring that all references to internal and external web links are still functioning, the modifications of any web pages, the addition of new web entries and the uploading and insertions of parish photos, where necessary.

It is also important to ensure that new releases of the web software do not have any impact on our web site and to liaise with Joan and one.com as appropriate.

If you are interested and would like to join/learn more about the group, click here to send an email to  ssmm.bonds@btinternet.com with 'Web Team' in the Subject line.