Many of you will remember that in 2013 we had a major survey, the Quinquennial Review, of both our Church itself and the Presbytery. This resulted in the Church being re-roofed in 2016 as well as significant roof areas of the Presbytery. The Presbytery heating system was also renewed. The main re-roofing of the Church was formally signed off by our Architects at the end of 2017. Around this time and in conjunction with the Diocese our Architects were asked to provide a report on the outstanding items from the 2013 survey. At the same time, they were also asked to identify any other items of work which had come to light since 2013 and which required attention.
As a result of the above we have formed a small Parish group who have assessed all the areas of work identified over the past few months and have sought to prioritise these. Our aim has been to provide the maximum benefit for us all from maintaining our Parish property. We have also been aware of the need to redecorate the Church following the recent re-roofing works.
Of the items of work given as a priority we have now agreed to proceed with a number of minor works items as follows: -
1. Repairs and remedial work to areas of external stonework. This is due to start on 3rd December and is likely to continue until around the end of January.
2. Provision of external protection to the 3 No main stained-glass windows. Repairs to a small number of broken clear glass panes to the other leaded light windows. This work will follow on after item 1.
3. Provision of (internal) secondary glazing to 2 No windows in the west elevation. One of them is behind the organ in the tower and the other above the Narthex.
4. Remedial works to the lightning conductor to enable it to meet current standards.
5. The carrying out of a structural survey to the tower. This was itemised in the 2013 survey as a priority.
We have placed orders for all of the above items to be carried out.
Other items which need attention include:
6. The Church bell has been found to be in urgent need of repair. It is therefore currently out of service and we are awaiting final proposals and costs from a specialist to reinstate the bell into working order. We hope to have this work carried out as soon as possible.
7. The drainage to the Cemetery requires repair to improve its function. This is under review and we expecting to have proposals for our group to discuss at our next meetings in the New Year.
8. We have also begun to assess a process for planning the redecoration of our Church. This is a significant item and will involve a number of issues not least of which is the fact that the Church is a listed building. We will also be seeking guidance on the likely costs of this proposed work which will give us ideas for when the redecoration may be carried out.
We will provide a further update at a later date. In the meantime, if you would like to ask any question about the above please speak to either Manus Adamson (07970 819492) or to me.
Fr Tom
Lancaster Diocesan Trustees Registered Charity Number: 234331