Journey in Faith (Contd)

Journey in Faith (Continued)

The next period is:

Candidature or Catechumenate

From just after New Year until the beginning of Lent.

This period is much more about going more deeply into the beliefs and teachings of the Church, with a weekly input prepared by members of the core group and parish priest. The input is based around the Creed - the profession of faith, using appropriate scripture passages.

The period of Candidature ends on the first Saturday in Lent, with another of the three rites – this time the Rite of Election, which takes place at Lancaster Cathedral. Candidates and catechumens from all around the diocese are presented to the Bishop and to the wider diocesan community, to go forward into the final period of preparation for entering fully into the life of the Church. Again, emphasis is on the support and affection of the church community for all those coming forward.


The next period is:


From the beginning of Lent to the Easter Vigil.

A time of deepening our spirituality, through reflection on the Word of God, the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer, with study of the Lenten Sunday Gospel readings.  


The third Rite is the reception of the candidate into full Communion with the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation:

Baptism (if not already baptised);

Holy Eucharist;


This takes place at the Easter Vigil on Easter Saturday evening.


The last period is:

Mystagogia (meaning deepening the mysteries)

From after Easter to Pentecost.

During this time we look in more depth at the Sacraments and other aspects of entering fully into the life of the Catholic faith.


After Pentecost, although we no longer specifically meet together regularly, our journey in faith and our support for the “new” Catholics continue.

If you are interested and would like to join/learn more about the group, click here to send an email to with 'Journey in Faith' in the Subject line.